Desi HP a mentionat expres ca nu da in judecata compania Oracle ci doar pe fostul CEO Mark Hurd, amicitia dintre acesta si Larry Ellison isi arata rezultatul. Ca replica la proces, Oracle a facut public un comunicat de presa (oficial
aici) cu un raspuns foarte taios. Am pastrat textul in engleza pentru a acuratete maxima:

Oracle has long viewed HP as an important partner,” said Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. “By filing this vindictive lawsuit against Oracle and Mark Hurd, the HP board is acting with utter disregard for that partnership, our joint customers, and their own shareholders and employees. The HP Board is making it virtually impossible for Oracle and HP to continue to cooperate and work together in the IT marketplace."
Migalos. Nu poti glumi cu un tip ca Ellison.